Thursday, October 18, 2007

Three Quesitons: First date, dumb girls, oprah

Dear Taryn, I have THREE questions for you. They are all important so please answer them to the best of your ability.

1. Is it a bad thing to take a girl out to Taco Bell for a first date?? If yes, then what are so good places...If No what is good vs. bad to order...

That is a very good question. As with most things in life, dating follows the you get what you pay for rule. If you take a girl to Taco Bell on a first date, youre going to get a cheap, easy and dirty relationship. Taco bell is inexpensive, easily accessible and dirty. Some people are into dirty relationships. If a dirty and cheap relationship strikes your fancy, then Id say go for it! Ok, now for what item off this wildly expansive menu you should choose. If you want to represent your relationship or this girl through your food selection Id recommend a Grande Soft Taco. The girl is nice and clean on the outside, much like the nice soft wrap then you get to the soft and luscious layer of melted/liquid cheese which represents her soft and tender being. Then you get to another stable layer of soft taco shell which represents the fact that she is a strong, reliable person on the inside then you get to the taco meat/lettuce/cheese goodness which represents everything else good inside of her. So, go for the grande soft taco and enjoy the date!

2. Why do women claim to be smart...strive to prove to you that they are smart...push themselves as hard as they can through school, so that the world can see just how smart they are...then begin a conversation with you by saying, "Ok, I don't want you to think I'm stupid, but...I did the dumbest thing today and i just need to tell you..."

The girls who say that arent smart, they are stupid.

and finally the most difficult question ever... 3. Why is Oprah so great? Is it a woman thing...a fat thing or a black thing? or a "non-of the above thing..."

Well, Dave, this is just another example of the lies and deceit presented to you by the media. They have worked for years to convince you that Oprah is great where really shes just another dumb person who just so happened to get a tv show. If you met her (like I did) you too would be awakened to the fact that Oprah is just not great.

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