Thursday, October 18, 2007

Air travel

Hey Taryn, I have a question for you... being a frequent traveler, why is it that large (or sometimes called "people with girth") always end up sitting next to me on a plane and ooze all over and into my seat? Thanks for your help!!

This is an unfortunate situation because the options available to you for recourse are not great. One option is to be mean to them. I have generally found this to be successful, however every so often Ill find myself in a bit of a legal bind with lawsuits being brought against me for harassment. The second option is much less harmful to your reputation. Im not sure that you remember what I looked like about a year ago, but just incase Ill tell you what I looked like. Nasty. I weighed about 30 lbs. more than I do now. The reason I gained those 30 lbs after high school was that I was traveling frequently and I found that I was being swallowed by the girths which were spilling into my seat. So, I decided that the only logical solution was to gain a lot of weight and beat these people at their own game. I decided that if I was going to get to have my own personal space that I was going to have to make people flee from my general vicinity. If you choose to gain the weight as I did, I must warn you that it doesnt feel very good and you will spend a lot of money on new clothes. Eventually my traveling was reduced and I decided that I no longer needed to carry this extra weight, so I lost the weight and am now back to about my high school size.

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