Monday, October 22, 2007

Juvenile delinquency

Dear Taryn,

A while ago some kids committed a really bad crime in my town and the trial is about to start. I feel like there has been a lot of news in recent years about kids (and people in general) commiting a lot of crime, violent and non-violent. Why are people acting this way?

Don't you know that the problems are all the result of our capitalist society. You are to blame for this. You make too much money, keep to much of it for yourself and don't pay enough in taxes. If you would just give more money to the government they could spend it on programs to help those who have very little money. They could get an education (which they so clearly want with the national high school dropout rate hovering around 33% of students) and lots of other assistance. If you would just pay more to help cover their food and rent they wouldn't need to commit crimes just to survive. We can't all thrive on 45 hour work week...some of us just need to be babied a little more. So in short, you should just go ahead and volunteer to contribute more of your paycheck to taxes so that these awesome government run programs can get bigger and better.


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